Holmes’ proprietary financial forecasting model enables Executives & Boards to assess the long term performance of entire portfolios over a 30 year period allowing you to make the right choices about Capital and Revenue investment.
Holmes can quickly identify poorly performing assets and our Cloud based technology ensures everyone has the tools to hand to review and identify assets requiring option appraisal.
Holmes’ flexible modelling keeps you informed on the possible future impact of changing sector policies, strategies and decisions, allowing you to provide iron clad assurances on long term investment requirements to lenders and the HCA.
Holmes is in the Cloud, and a simple integration protocol means that you can focus on your assets in real-time, not on implementing complex IT Projects or managing clunky databases and spreadsheets.
Holmes allows your asset teams to drill into your property portfolio data in real- time to obtain in-depth performance insights, allowing you to scrutinise value for money and business plan contribution on a per asset basis.
Holmes is available on your PC, tablet or smart phone and can be accessed securely in the Cloud. Whether you're in the office or boardroom, Holmes is on hand giving you vital insight on your assets.
View all your critical data at a glance from our fully featured online dashboard. With intuitive global filtration, stackable data sets and quick links to your most important reports and performance overviews, Holmes is feature rich and boardroom ready.
Review the performance of individual properties & blocks. Model different strategies and quickly see which will provide the best Social, Operational and Financial outcomes for your business.
Take your data with you and access it anywhere with our Cloud-based software. Powerful, fast and secure access to your data on any device, in any location.
We were very impressed by the Holmes product and it was clear from the outset that the platform would become a crucial tool in helping to deliver our asset strategy. The tool will enable us to model the impact of changes at both a portfolio and an individual property level, giving us real time information on the value and performance of our assets, which is crucial in enabling us to make informed decisions, delivering maximum value for money for our customers.
Chris Jones, Asset Optimisation Manager
The Guinness Partnership
Our CEO Geoff, had an idea to leverage housing data to provide intelligent insight for housing providers.
After picking the best and brightest people that he knew to turn his vision into reality, 221Group was born.
Months of research and development ultimately led to the release of the first version of Holmes. The mission, to disrupt the status quo around social housing data use.
Our perserverance paid off, we signed with The Guinness Partnership to move forward with a new and exciting client.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Director of New Business & Marketing
Director of Product
Technical Lead